Triathlon Training Classes


Most of us are more likely to show up to a training session when we know we have training partners relying on our company. We become accountable to our training community which is a powerful motivator.

Our consultation page lists additional services to further develop your training and racing experiences.


Winter 2025

  • CSS Development / Technique Endurance – Mon/Wed – MRU 7:00-8:00 pm  *FULL*
  • CSS Development / Technique Endurance – Tues/Thurs – Killarney 6:00-7:00 am *FULL*
  • Technique Endurance – Tues/Thurs – Remington YMCA in Quarry Park 7:30-8:30pm *FULL*
Participants must be able to swim at least 200m of front crawl continuously to register for all of the group swim sessions.
*Winter swims begin the week of Jan. 6 and end Mar. 31, 2025 

Winter 2025 Pricing (includes GST)

  • MRU Mon. or Wed: $325. Both nights $600
  • KP Tues. or Thurs. $325. Both mornings $600
  • Quarry Park Tues. or Thurs: $325. Both nights $600

There is no swim on Mon. Feb. 17 (Family Day)

Note: For insurance purposes, a valid TriAB annual membership is required for all swim sessions.  

Swim Sessions Defined

  • Pure Technique:

    The emphasis here is on drill and technique work with plenty of recovery and tips on how to refine your individual stroke. You can expect feedback during this session on how to properly perform the drills and also receive tips on your stroke.

  • CSS Development:

    If you want to improve your speed and pacing skills in distances greater than 400m, then this is the place for you. These sessions will simultaneously improve your technique and swim fitness by using Critical Swim Speed (CSS) training.  We will do specific fitness testing to determine your personal CSS pace and re-test regularly to monitor your progress. With improved technique and swim fitness, you will find you can maintain good form for longer periods of time which results in swimming faster and more efficiently on race day. Tempo trainers are used during these sessions but are not required.

  • Technique Endurance:

    These sessions are a great way to keep your technique tuned up while you focus on improving your endurance and are a great compliment to a weekly CSS development workout. They are a happy medium between the Pure Technique and the longer, harder “Red Mist” endurance sessions. You can expect some drill work, longer aerobic intervals, and feedback on your stroke during these sessions. Tempo trainers are used but are not required.

  • Red Mist:

    The infamous Swim Smooth “Red Mist” session is the hardest and longest session of the week. Distance covered usually ranges between 4,000-5,000m.  This 75-90 minute swim is the cornerstone of the Ironman and 70.3 crew given how good it is at preparing you for these distances.  Can you hold off the “Red Mist” from descending on you when you’re not feeling your best? You can expect feedback during these sessions on how well you are sticking to your target pace and you will have an excited coach urging you on as you inevitably fatigue!


If you are looking for a community of cyclists of all abilities and fantastic coaches to help you become a more competent, skilled and proficient cyclist, check out The Doctrine Training Ltd. The main facility is located downtown and offers computrainer and spin sessions in addition to sport conditioning, bike fitting, and a run studio. There is a 2nd studio located in the JCC that offers additional computrainer sessions.  There are a variety of sessions offered seven days a week, all day long.

Computrainer Classes:

  • Mon / Wed 6:00 – 7:00 am
  • Tues / Thurs 6:00 – 7:00 am
  • Tues / Thurs 7:15 – 8:15 am
  • Mon / Wed 9:30 – 11:00 am
  • Mon / Wed 12:00 – 1:00 pm
  • Mon / Thurs 5:30 – 6:30 pm
  • Mon / Wed 7:00 – 8:00 pm
  • Sat or Sun 9:00-11:00am

These power based classes are created by Trev Williams. Indoor classes provide a great opportunity to work on your cycling in an environment that is more educational, fun and social than your basement! You are required to bring your bike,  computrainers are provided.



Contact us directly for running options